For the months of January and February, our congregations will be combined for worship. Kenyon Church will be the host church for January and St. Columba Church will be the host church for February. For both months, worship will be at 11 AM.
Memorial Service August 11th – We remember with gratitude and respect the dedication and service of all those church members who have gone on before us, leaving a rich heritage which we continue to preserve. Please join us in viewing this short video.
Update on Search Committee Activities
St. Columba and Kenyon Sessions met with the Sessions of St. Andrew’s in Maxville and Knox Church in Moose Creek. We wanted to determine if there was any interest in combining our congregations. As you can imagine, there was quite a lot of discussion among the Sessions, and they covered a lot of territory – for instance, how a minister would conduct worship on Sundays and how ministry would be financed.
Spire Repairs
St. Columba had its spire repaired and painted on September 1st, 2023. Our spire was damaged by the high winds on August 10 which ripped and loosened some tin and moldings high on the steeple. The repair work required a 140 foot crane to hoist the workers up to the level required to fix the damages. Having the crane available, we had the opportunity to re-paint the spire as well as repair the damages. It was a perfect day for the work with sunshine and very little wind.
The St. Columba spire was completed in 1890 at cost of approximately $1300. A bell was added in 1891. A weathervane stood atop the spire but was removed in later years.
Kirkin’ O’ the Tartan – 2023
Thank you to all those who attended and also those who took part in the Kirkin’ and made it a great success. Below are a two collages of photographs that were taken during the ceremony followed by various musical selections from the service.
Gifts of Music:
Duet performed by Taylor Hambleton and Jim McRae entitled “Caledonia”.
Gaelic duet performed by Kenzie and Shelby McRae
The MacLeod Fiddlers
Kirkin’ Choir selection “It Is Well With My Soul”
Annual Remembrance Sunday – 2022
St. Columba held its annual Remembrance Sunday Service on November 6th to remember and give thanks for the men and women who have given their lives over the years in protecting our country and values. Phyllis MacMaster read the honour roll which can be viewed by following the link, Honour Roll .
On Sunday May 15th, 2022, St. Columba welcomed Rev. Dr. Ross Lockhart, Dean, St. Andrew’s Hall, UBC and Professor, Missional Theology, Centre for Missional Leadership as our guest minister. 
Rev. Dr. Ross Lockhart (left) and Rev. Jim Ferrier (right)
Rev. Lockhart provided an animated and engaging message which we would like to share with you. The recording of his message can be found by clicking on Rev. Lockhart Sermon at St. Columba. The recording begins with the children seated in front of Rev. Lockhart for their story, followed by prayers and the sermon. Enjoy!
If you are unable to attend our services, please direct tithes and donations to the St Columba church at the address below.
St. Columba Presbyterian Church
20950 Laggan-Glenelg Road, PO Box 81
Dalkeith, Ontario K0B1E0
Donations can also be made by Interac E transfers by signing into your online banking account or mobile app and using the email address .
Please provide in the ‘message’ area of the E-transfer the following information:
Your Name and mailing address (required for charitable receipts)
Your email address and/or phone number in case of questions (optional)
Donation purpose: General or other (please specify)
Similarly, donations to our Cemetery Fund can also be made by Interac E-transfers by signing into your online banking account or mobile app and using the email address .
Be sure to find us on Facebook!